Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sustainable Marshfield News

Congratulations to our own Gia Lane and the Marshfield Energy Committee for passing the town energy audit at our special town meeting in October. The town will now go forward with a professional plan to assess ways to save money and save energy through this comprehensive audit of town buildings.
Marta McFarland attended the "Bioneers by the Bay" conference in New Bedford. She found the event to be transformative and motivating. Based on her experience, we plan to show the movie "Fresh", which is about our food system. Look for details as our friend from Trinity Church (and has generously offered to have a showing there. Time and date to be announced!
Ned Bangs and the Marshfield Rec. Center now have a rain garden which works to eliminate pollutants from water run-off through the use of rain.

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